Ms word writer
Ms word writer

ms word writer
  1. #Ms word writer how to
  2. #Ms word writer Pc
  3. #Ms word writer professional

If you’re going to produce an ebook, and if you are using special characters (umlauts, breve and grave marks, ornaments, etc.) some character subsets will NOT translate. Fonts in Word are designed to work in print. NOTE: Choose a font that you can stand to look at and work in for however long it takes you to write your story. Select Font from the Format menu and choose your font and font size.

ms word writer

Under Line and Page Breaks: Unclick ALL the boxes.Line-Spacing: Your preference, single, 1.5, or double.Special (paragraph indent): 0.3″ if you like it narrow 0.5″ if you like it wide.To prevent future production problems, I suggest: The above sample shows my paragraph set up. Click on that and you will open boxes that allow you to change the font and paragraph styles. In the lower left corner is a box that says Format. This will open the main style modification menu. To modify a style to suit you, right-click on the style you want to change and choose Modify. You may prefer a different font or line spacing. The sample is set up for MY composition comfort, the layout that floats my boat.

ms word writer

If you aren’t going to print the document for any purpose than your own, none of that matters. You don’t need to worry about margins, headers, tabs, centering, page breaks, etc. For composition purposes, especially with fiction writers, I recommend you stick to those two styles. Normal and Heading 1, which are both built-in styles in Word. The Style menu is found on the Home menu screen. NOTE: I am demonstrating using Word 2010, and its menus are different than other versions, but all the principles are exactly the same. If you do it yourself, styles will eliminate the majority of problems before you even begin.

#Ms word writer professional

If you hire out book production, professional formatters will have no trouble with your text. Learning to use them and then actually using them consistently will save you headaches, frustration and hours of useless, mind-numbing work. Styles in Word are the most useful feature of all. (90% of Word’s features aren’t something you will ever need, so I’m not bothering with those.) Every feature I cover will pertain to you. Since Word is such a complex program, I’m doing it as a series.

#Ms word writer how to

I get enough questions via email about how to fix some problem or another created in Word, that I think this primer is necessary. If you don’t learn how to use Word properly, it’s either going to a) Drive you insane b) Drive your hired production people insane c) Create a less than professional end product d) All of the Above.

ms word writer

But, it’s what most people use and they aren’t going on a hunt for something different because it takes time to learn a new program and they’d rather be writing. As a tool for writers, especially fiction writers, it’s over-powered and way too complicated. Its purpose is to create office documents: memos, contracts, forms, etc. What I never thought about, and you probably don’t either, is that MS Word has evolved from a word processor into a quasi-publishing program. I had a standard manuscript format to follow, one my editors demanded, and once the manuscript was in my publisher’s hands, it was completely out of mine. Back in those days, it didn’t matter much. I typed my stories and my printer puked out the pages, and that was that. Up until I began formatting ebooks, I had no idea how it worked either. In the course of cleaning thousands of documents generated in Word, I’ve come to the conclusion that the vast majority of writers have zero idea about how to actually use the program.

#Ms word writer Pc

Until recently, just about every PC came pre-loaded with it.

Ms word writer